Thursday, February 2, 2012

Study 10: Leader's Guide

Trinity: There is one God who is three persons: Father Son and Spirit. They are as much one as three and as much three as one. If you really get into it, it may be a good idea to look at the passages and ask what characterizes the relationship between the persons of the trinity, and then look back at some passages like Genesis 1 with the Spirit brooding over the waters, or at Mark 1 at the Baptism of Jesus, with the sending of the spirit to empower Jesus for his work.
The major points that I hope people will get out of this is to understand the mission/ role of the Spirit as well as the calling of Jesus’ followers to be witnesses to him and the fact that the Spirit empowers this mission. To appropriate the title of a book by Jurgen Moltmann, it is the church in the power of the spirit that embodies and bears witness to the crucified and risen Lord Jesus. This is the creator and covenantal God at work to rescue and restore his beloved creation from evil and sin. Followers of Jesus are called to join with God in this work.

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